Are Solvent Traps Legal?

Since time immemorial, the American government has been fighting against the illegal possession of firearms. According to The Trace, it costs about $200 and over 8 months to get hold of some parts of a firearm. The research also exposed an organization selling solvent traps that have been modified to dampen the sound of a firearm.  This kind of modification has raised several questions as to if these traps are illegal or not. Below are two facts explaining the legality of a solvent trap.

     1.Purchase of a Solvent Trap:

The trap is used as a cleaning system for firearms. It captures the cleaning system for efficient disposal. US citizens are allowed to purchase these traps with or without Form 1. Form 1, short form for ATF Form 5320.1 is an application form needed to create or register a firearm. Companies dealing with firearms are not responsible for whatever the buyers do with the traps after purchase.

 According to 18 U.S.C. 921 (a) (24), these traps are not meant to mute the noise of mobile firearms hence the reason for their legal purchase. Any other use of a solvent accessory besides cleaning purposes is illegal and can lead to arrest. Due to the manipulation of solvent equipment, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has been scrutinizing and closing down several businesses dealing with firearms found with any sort of irregularities.

       2.Alteration of Solvent Traps:

Some individuals modify these traps meant for cleaning purposes to act as a muffle for firearms. The traps are shaped as these noise dampeners making them easy to manipulate. Individuals who are not familiar with firearms can easily confuse the two. The main difference is that the equipment used to shrink the noise from firearms has a hole through which a bullet can penetrate while the solvent ruse does not.  

People manipulate the traps by drilling a hole at the end of the solvent trap. Once this is done, the solvent accessory is no longer considered a cleaning fixture but a weapon because a bullet can go through it. Manipulating a solvent accessory without registration or license is illegal and can lead to arrest. 

How to Avoid Committing a Felony Regarding Owning a Solvent Trap?

Currently, the state is on high alert on possession of these traps. As much as you can own a solvent trap without a Form 1, you are advised to get a Form 1 to safeguard your business. One needs a Form 1 to modify the trap.  After applying for Form 1, you are encouraged to wait till you acquire the application back to avoid committing a felony.

According to 18 U.S.C. § 921 (a) (24), a solvent trap modified to act as a noise muffler for a firearm is considered a firearm. Companies dealing with firearms and solvent equipment distance themselves from any responsibility if the client purchases and modifies the equipment.    

It is legal to use and purchase solvent traps in the U.S. without or with a Form 1. However, it is illegal to modify these traps and use them to dampen firearm noise. If you are looking for a genuine and licensed solvent equipment dealer, contact at [email protected]. Our company deals with high-quality solvent cleaning kits, solvent accessories, and jig kits. We have a responsive team that will guide through procedure firearm cleaning periods to ensure safe and reliable firearms.     

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