Why Indians love online gaming?

The current pandemic has changed our lives to a great extent. Staying indoors has made everything online. Online gaming was one of the significant recreational sources for everyone. Gaming firms have noted a sharp increase in users indulging into poker, online rummy, poker, etc, to kill boredom. More people were playing online rummy. Many gaming platforms have cash games too, and that can help people earn. Some games charge a fee per game, and stake increases as it progresses. However, casual betting has also increased among friends and family. Below are a few reasons why Indians enjoy online games to a great extent.

Winning using one’s gaming skills

The key attraction about the online gaming platforms is their realness. Players play against real players and not against bots or algorithms. Players gain the satisfaction of winning by their skills against real players. This is a significant attraction for games like online rummy and fantasy games. Players have an opportunity to improve their gaming skills by playing more and more. This makes playing online games appealing.

Online gaming is fun.

The experience of online gaming has become more lively because there has been a massive advancement in technology. Technology has made online games more fascinating for both experienced and new players. It attracts new players, keeps them engaged, but also provide players with a recreational experience. When you play games like rummy online, your mental abilities get exercised. Quick thinking, smart strategising are required to win a rummy game. Online version reduces chances of malpractices. Online gaming on verified platforms is fair and safe.

Social Bonding

Verified gaming platforms usually have numerous players registered on them. Many Indians visit online gaming platforms just to socialise and connect with like-minded people. Thus, leading to the development of online communities that provides its members with a sense of social bonding and togetherness. You can play as well as interact with people all around the world. Gaming is not limited to pre-installed missions or artificial intelligence. This makes people visit online gaming platforms again and again.


Many online games have cash prizes and other rewards involved. This makes online gaming for players even more exciting. You can perform specific tasks in the game and win the in-game inventories you had to purchase otherwise. Moreover, games like rummy provide real cash prizes to their players.

Easy access

For online gaming you need to have the app or register on the website and a stable internet connection. Games can be download or updated with just one click. This makes gaming user-friendly. Moreover, games like available 24 * 7 and 365 days a year, thus, attracting more users to play online games.

In the Budget

A variety of online games can be downloaded for free. Thus, you can play some fantastic games free of cost. Acclaimed gaming platforms like online rummy even allow playing practice games for free. Practice games help you improve your skills and get an excellent hold on the game without spending a penny. 

Online games are legal.

Playing games on verified and registered online platforms or websites is entirely legal. The Supreme court of India has declared playing skill-based online games legal. So, you can play games like rummy and other skill-based games online without worrying about its legality. Winning online skill-based games and having a colossal social-interaction draws Indians to online games.


There are many reasons Indians love online games and also recommend friends and family to play them. There are some reasons listed above. Indians love expanding their social circle, and online platforms provide that opportunity. The gaming industry in India is growing fast, with many users joining the domain every day. Gaming platforms are also updated regularly to manage a large number of registrations. All these have contributed to attracting Indians to online gaming.