Trending Healthcare Marketing Techniques That We Use During this Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has surely changed everything we know and thought about life in a very short time. It has become rather complicated and the future seems uncertain for many people. Several businesses have already sustained heavy losses with a ton of people struggling to make ends meet. It has also become extremely challenging for many businesses to transition to operating remotely and virtual meeting rooms are scrambling to figure out how to keep consumers engaged during a time of social distancing. Read on to find out more about healthcare marketing trends in the time of this historic pandemic.

Customer Habits During COVID-19

With so many people stuck inside of their homes due to lockdowns and closures, the use of apps has shot up by nearly 20%. However, despite increased use, many apps such as Facebook are seeing decreased demand for paid advertisements with people preferring to see organic content. In a recent survey conducted by the American Association of Advertising Agencies 43% of people said they find it comforting to hear from brands that they trust, 40% said they are eager to learn of brands responses during the pandemic, and 15% said they do not want to hear anything at all from these brands. With most people responding they want to hear the initiatives from brands they trust, now is the time to rethink effective marketing strategies that convey a message of positivity during this health crisis.

Healthcare Marketing Trends During COVID-19

In response to this difficult time, it is recommended that all healthcare organizations adapt their current marketing strategies to offer encouragement and help people find the support they need. Whether you are a big or small healthcare provider it is advised that you share an online notice about the precautions and measures you are taking to prevent the spread of this infectious disease. This should contain any information that would be helpful to current and new patients alike. Such as changes in policies, what is being done to protect patients, availability of doctors, and any changes in operating hours. This not only helps to enhance the patient experience but it also assures that patients coming to you will be aware of the measures taken by your organization. SEO marketing companies such as Moonraker AI are an excellent place to get the help you need during these uncertain times.

Changing Your Focus

Perhaps you were running an online ad campaign before the pandemic, in that case, you should ensure that your message falls in line with the current situation. If not it might be a good idea to retool the ad from a promotional one to a more informational one. Instead of telling customers to “book an appointment” you can encourage them to “learn more” by clicking the ad. With so many people stuck home there is an increase in free time. This means it is an outstanding idea to take this opportunity to increase awareness and educate your audience by writing articles, healthcare blogs, or infographics. Podcasts are another great idea to get your message out and get your audience engaged driving organic traffic to your site. It also could be one of the best times to invest in TV and radio advertisements as they could be used to share critical information about COVID-19. No matter what you do these ads mustn’t come off as offensive or hurt people’s sentiments. That is why it is very important to choose your message and wording very carefully. The wrong message could turn people away from your business doing more harm than good.

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