This is How Transferring Your Personal Loan to a New Lender Works!

It is no secret that a personal loan can have higher interest rates than any secured loans. As an outcome, making the personal loan repayment can at times become a burden. Fortunately, in such times you may opt for a personal loan balance transfer.

Personal loan transfer can help you ease off your burden in case the loan repayments due to high personal loan interest rates are straining your finances. This option lets you avail better loan deals at lower interest rate through personal loan transfer from one bank to another.

Check out the benefits of personal loan transfer:

  • Lower interest rate

Personal loan balance transfer provides you the advantage of lower personal loan rates. Most of the lenders offer to take over your existing personal loan at a relatively lower rate. Usually, financial institutions provide rates that are 2 percent less than your present rate. 

  • Lower monthly repayments

Reduction in personal loan interest rate automatically lowers your monthly outgo towards the loan. Moreover, you can further lower your monthly repayments by renegotiating your repayment tenure by requesting for an extension. A longer repayment tenure can lower your EMI, which reduces your financial stress.

  • Ameliorate credit score

If you have repaid your personal loan EMIs timely in the past, however, are not sure of making full repayment in the upcoming months owing to financial constraints, then you must opt for a balance transfer option. This step will not just assist you to maintain your good credit score but also endow you with an opportunity to further improve it.

But before you opt for the transfer option, it is crucial for you to assess the offer thoroughly and explore what the rest of the financial institutions are offering. Ensure to read as well as understand the terms and conditions before signing the final agreement.

  • Top up loan

Personal loan transfer endows you with the flexibility to borrow over the availed loan amount if required. In case you need more funds, you should request the institution for top up loan at a lower personal loan interest rate while submitting the application for loan transfer. Doing so assists lower your average loan cost that you have opted for.

Ending note

Personal loan transfer is a working concept wherein the outstanding amount of the existing personal loan is transferred from one lender to another. Basic motive behind such a transfer is to opt for better terms and conditions including lower personal loan interest rate. This helps reduce your overall debt burden. This is not all, you can avail more funds for your personal needs through such transfers.