Steps into the Legal Field for Help


From the moment you are charged by the police for violating a statutory provision with the possibility of imprisonment, you are entitled to. You have the right to freely choose which defense lawyer you want to help you with your defense. You are not obliged to use the lawyer you are automatically appointed by the court. It even costs no more to choose the right lawyer yourself.

The law firms have experienced specialists who are always ready to help you. We recommend that you contact one of our skilled defense lawyers as early as possible in the course of the case so that we can organize the strategy for your defense in the best possible way.

How do I pay for a defense attorney?

When you get a lawyer appointed as your defense attorney, it means that in the first place you do not have to worry about whether you can afford to have a lawyer help you. As a defendant, you have the right to have a Prairie Village theft lawyer appointed as a lawyer.

The state pays for legal assistance, so that everyone, regardless of income and wealth, has an equal opportunity to get a defense lawyer. Only in the case where you are convicted in the case, the court will be able to order you to pay the Treasury in full or in part for the costs of a lawyer and any other costs in connection with the case.

Being appointed as a defense counsel is a personal task for the individual lawyer – something we take very seriously.

Are you going to court?

If you are going to court in a criminal case as a defendant, you have the right to have a lawyer appointed as your defense counsel. The lawyer will be sent all the material in the case, which the lawyer will review with you before the court hearing, so that the case is optimally prepared for the trial. The lawyer will assess with you whether additional witnesses should be called to the trial in addition to those that the police may wish. The lawyer also gives his assessment of the case.

If you do not have the opportunity to contact us yourself, you can do the following:

Give the notice to the detainee (staff) at the arrest that they are contacting us and announcing that you want us as your defense attorney.

  • Ask the detainee (staff) in the detention center to contact the court and let you know you want us as your defense attorney.
  • Write to your family / boyfriend that you want us as a defender. The letter / e-mail will then be given to us by the family / girlfriend, after which we will make sure that we become your defender.

If you are subject to letter control, you can write a power of attorney to your family stating that they can choose us as a defense lawyer, then we will take care of the rest.

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