Estrogen’s Benefit Tied to Age: Good for the Young, Bad for Old

Studies with epidemiological nature aggregately suggest that the estrogen hormone protects the brain, but there was another study made by Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS) that concluded hormone replacement therapy as harmful to the older women’s cognition. The data from the research then led to the belief that estrogen effects will depend on age, and the younger females are the ones benefiting the most.

In one Alzheimer’s forum held in Chicago, some speakers confirmed the idea initially presented by WHIMS. It was discussed in the conference that hormone replacement therapy, when given to women soon after their menopausal stage, does not help nor harm the brain. Moreover, the forum’s data also showed that the higher the exposure to estrogen in a lifetime, the more it helps with cognition preservation.

More than a decade ago, one WHIMS study caused alarm to many who believe estrogen therapy has many health benefits. The study pointed out that oral conjugated equine estrogen or CEE can double dementia risk. As soon as the report came out, estrogen therapy advocates quickly clarified that the study involved women who were sixty-five years old and older. Pro-estrogen researchers also showed some data that show cognition benefits from estrogen therapy came from younger females; those who are nearing the age of menopause.

Many follow-up studies followed since then. One study conducted in Chicago focused on hormone replacement therapy subsequent trials. They used oral CEE, estradiol patch, as well as cyclic progestin to 662 menopause women for a period of three years. The results did not show any notable change in the measure of cognition in comparison with placebo. But the study was able to record an improved mood and lowered anxiety and depression incidence when oral CEE is taken.

Another study showed the same results, no cognitive deficits relative to placebo. However, those who started the treatment early have lower atherosclerosis compared to the placebo group. This finding suggests that estrogen therapy can help improve heart health.

Today, the latest and more detailed analysis shows that age can really make a difference when it comes to the risk and benefits of estrogen hormone therapy. There is a protective benefit for those who started hormone therapy between the ages of fifty and fifty-nine.

Findings narrate that women who take estrogen hormone therapy right after the onset of menopause can encounter lower blood vessel blockage, plaque and atherosclerosis, as also mentioned above.

But for women who took the therapy at the age of sixty and above, it is no longer beneficial. It is assumed that the reason is that old aged women already have plaque accumulation.

An analysis in Denmark also noted that age essentially makes a difference. The researchers worked with 1,000 women aged forty-five and fifty-eight, who are all in good health. The findings concluded that the women who took estrogen therapy experienced a significant reduction in heart failure risks, heart attack, and even mortality.

In every medication or supplement one takes, there are indeed various advantages and disadvantages, and such can also depend highly on age. For some, they prefer to use vegan-friendly and gluten-free oral medications like Estrosmart for estrogen deficiency.

Still, the decision is yours, but with your physician’s help and advice, you will be able to assess how much risk you can put up with in favor of controlling the symptoms and other estrogen benefits.

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