Easy ways to earn rewards in cash rummy

Rummy is a game that tests the skills and patience of a person. The more they practice the more they develop their skills and their chances for winning for a longer time increase. When a player is having a really good win, it is not their luck which is making them win, it is their practice. This is why rummy and war strategies are quite similar in their approach. This enables players to win more cash prizes.

When the cash won by a person increases they feel on cloud nine. After days of hard work when it’s time to reap in the fruits, a person’s happiness knows no bounds. The same is applicable to the players of the rummy game. This additional win is made possible by rummy rewards.

How to earn rewards

Being a skill-based game, cash rummy requires practice to develop the quality of anticipating the moves of the opponents and to confuse them. It also is a game of wits as all the players sitting at high stake tables are pros. But, each time a player wins or simply plays a game they are earning something. Here is how:

  • Rummy bonuses.

Whenever a player uses a code to join the bonus scheme, they increase their winnings by a certain percentage. The more they are playing and winning, the more bonuses they accumulate. This is an easy way to win more cash and having the rummy app helps them join the bonus on time and play even while traveling.

  • Referrals and new joining.

When a player joins the app to play the cash rummy game for the first time, they get handsome cash money as a welcome gift. This cash they can use to increase their earnings by playing cash games or free tourneys. Another way to add cash is when players refer their friends to the game. When that friend joins, they get a bonus along with the welcoming amount and the referrer also earns a bonus.

  • Loyalty clubs.

These are the best way to practice, earn and then keep a stock of cash for later use. The loyalty club acknowledges players who are actively engaged in some form of rummy games. For every Rs. 10 that they add to the rake, they earn a certain point. These points are accumulated and players can redeem them for cash amounts later. Hence, even if a person does not win every hand that they are playing, they are getting points just for playing the game. To help players play more and accumulate more the rummy app is made. With a stable internet connection, players can convert a boring traffic infested journey into a winning experience.


When players play cash rummy beside freerolls and apply bonuses to those games, they increase their cash winnings. Whether a player plays the game for fun or to earn some serious cash rewards, they are in for some great bonuses, especially with the loyalty club. With a rummy app, a player can win and increase their tiers to earn more.

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