Distilled, Mineral, and Purified Water: What’s the Difference?

Some of you might not know that water can be hard and soft. How could that be? It is not to be taken in the literal sense, of course. Hard water means that it has high levels of calcium and magnesium, while soft water has more sodium in it. The former is distinguishable by leaving spots or blemishes on surfaces, with these being the traces of its mineral content. Soft water feels easier on the hands when you are washing with soap. If you are looking to get your house a good water softener, Bountiful should have professionals that can help you out with that. They can have that installed quickly.

Many people say that water is the element that gives life, and rightfully so. You turn to it to quench your thirst after an intense workout. If you are down with fever or flu, you are required to replenish your fluids, and water is always the convenient option. There is no doubt that it has many benefits for the body. But when it comes to drinking water, you can have options. But distilled, mineral, and purified water are different from each other.

Distilled Water

The process of making distilled water is a complex one. The process of distilling involves bringing the water to a boil. This allows the liquid to evaporate and leave any residue or particles at the floor of the container, while the evaporation is directed to another. In this new container, condensation begins. This is where the vapor turns back to liquid, and this is your water in a much purer form. The interesting thing about this is its electric conductivity. Water itself is not conductive, but its traces of minerals and metals make it so. With that said, since these traces are no longer around, this makes distilled water non-conductive.

Mineral Water

This is drinkable water that comes from mineral springs. And as its name suggests, it contains various minerals and salts. For the ultimate experience, you can try going to any mineral spring, and there you would see how clear the water is. It is actually safe to drink straight from the source. Just scoop it up and take a sip from the palms of your hands. The bottled ones that you see from the supermarket or convenience stores most probably came from there, and those did not go through much treatment in a plant.

Purified Water

While distilling water in itself is a purifying process, you can say that the other methods fall under the label of creating purified water. The process involves letting water pass through a set of filters that removes bacteria, contaminants, and other impurities. The final product would then have only traces of minerals and ions, with the amount being at acceptable levels. This makes them safe for consumption.

You can theorize and say that there is plenty of water to go around for everyone. But the reality is that there are still a lot of impoverished places that do not have drinking water that is safe enough. Here is hoping that the technology to purify water becomes cheaper, more accessible, and easily deployable to remote locations. Those who badly need it should be reached. No one should be deprived of this basic necessity.

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